Friday, March 19, 2010

Jervis 11th month

My boy is 11th month today.
How times flies and he is turning one soon.
What he can achieve now:
1) wave goodbye when asked
2) drink from a straw (though he still get choke sometimes)
3) eat his snack from his snack trap cup
4) give me his "tu tu" (pacifier) when asked
5) will do the action of answering the phone (put his hands near his ears and tilt his head as though he is answering phone call)
6) still cant walk but can stand for longer period of time
7) able to crawl at a very fast pace
8) 4th teeth coming out
9) sleeping pattern slowly improving
10) no longer that afraid of strangers
11) loves playing with kids and can play by himself for a longer period of time

12) loves reading (whenever I take out his book he will be very happy and crawl to me)
13) understand the word "milk milk", "porridge", "cereal" when I said them and he will be all excited coz he still loves to eat
More of less should be about all, shall update more of his progress soon.


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